
The Light That Brings Us Back

The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery ~ A collection of images from 2019 & 2020

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The Light That Brings Us Back

Published by RIE
Rossland Image Enterprises
Copyright © 2023 All Rights Reserved
Printed in Canada

ISBN : 978-0-9869475-1-3
Cdn $60

Not all of the images displayed in my galleries are included in the new book,
“The Light That Brings Us Back” and not all the images in that book are included in the galleries”




Part I




  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Rocky Mountains from Coleman, Alta
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Evans Valley, Valhalla Park
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - New Snow from Columbia River
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Valley Fog from White Owl Pass
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Dry Grass, Bare Hills and Cloud
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Light and Cloud over Grand Forks
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Approaching Storm and Columbia River at Rock Island
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Columbia River at Waneta
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Boulders and Clouds at Gyro Park 2
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Oak Leaves in Shade Light
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Moonset over Rossland
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery -Tree on Crescent Island on Columbia River
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery -  Trees in Fog near Frank Slide
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Storm Clouds near Spokane Wash.
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Lake Roosevelt Remnant at Kettle Falls, Wash.
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Sticks and Stones in Shade Light
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Mt. Roberts in Cloud and Fog
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Columbia River at Fort Shepherd
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Thunderheads over Columbia Valley from Biathlon
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Nancy Greene Lake at Dusk
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Teck Plant and Cloud Formation
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Slocan Lake and Alps Alturus
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Fern Leaves in Fall
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Columbia River and Trail in Fall
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Morning Light on Rossland Mountains from Paterson
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Rural Alberta Road in Winter
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Light on Trees and Snow at Kootenay Pass
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Wild Rose Leaves in Fall
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Crow Mt. from Eagle's Nest
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Trees on Grey Mt. and Fog Bank
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Bare Field and Morning Light
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Flowing Water at Gyro Park 2
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Storm and Light on Flooded Field
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Fence, Field and Rocky Mts in Fog Light
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Kooteany River Band and Rocky Mts.
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Hail Shafts,Thunderhead and Wind- urbines at Pincher Creek
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Light Shafts over Kootenay Pass
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Thimbleberry in Shade Light
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Columbia River from Ft. Shepherd
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Grand Forks and Approachiing Storm
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Rocky Mountains from Blaremore, ALta
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Shed Window, Bottles and Rope
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Trees, Clouds and Monashee Mts
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Slocan Lake and Storm Squall
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Valley Fog From White Owl
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Tree Branches and Snow in Early Light
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Iris and Candytuft in spring
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery -Kootenay Lake in Evening Light from Davis Creek
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery -  Light Patterns on Slocan Lake
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Beach Rock at Kootenay Lake
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Rocky Mountains from Highway 3A
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Kootenay Lake at Kaslo
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Trees in Fog at Chimo Cabin
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Parting Clouds over Kootenay River
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Three Trees in Fog at Blackjack
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Storm Light on Forest Hills from Mosquito
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Old Door at Waterville
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Sunlight and Shadows on Brick Building
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Old Glory from Grey Mtn.
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Cottonwoods, Field and Snow
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Snow Pyramid and CLouds
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Teck Plant in Wildfire Smoke at Night
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Thunderheads over Columbia Valley from Warfield
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Columbia River and Seven Summits
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Columbia River at Gyro Park #1
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Rocky Mountain Foothills from Pincher Creek
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Storm Clouds above Columbia Valley #1
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Storm Clouds over Kootenay Lake
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Columbia River and Tadnac in Winter
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Slocan Lake from New Denver
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Trail BC from Walking Bridge



Part II




  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Beach Rock, Tidal Flow and Sand
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Fog and Light on Sand and Water
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Clearing Storm and Sand Ridges
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Ferry Deck and Clouds
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Cloud Band over Chesterman Beach
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Frank Island and Clouds
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Surf Flowing over Beach Pebbles
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Tidal Debris and Surf
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Tidal Flow and Offshore Fog
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Kelp Root, Sand Dollar and Spokes
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Cloud Patterns over Wickaninnish Beach
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Morning Light on Chesterman Beach
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery -  Kelp Bulbs on Sand
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Sand Ridges and Rock
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Storm Light on North Chesterman Beach
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Beach Debris at South Beach
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Fog Bank and Afternoon Light
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Tidal Flow Patterns in Sand
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Bike on Beach in Backlight
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Tidal Stream at Dawn
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Morning Light on Barnacled Rock
  • The Richard Philip Soltice Gallery - Vancouver Island Sand Dunes